
Why do Theater?

This is gonna be a short post. Because I'm TIRED. I'm tired because I'm in rehearsal for a musical. It doesn't pay, it's a huge time commitment, I have no idea if anyone in the industry will see it... So why am I doing it? 

A lot of actors do theater in the hopes of being seen by agents, managers, casting directors, etc., and that does happen. There are lots of decision-makers in LA who love theater, and who find new talent there. But that's not why to do it, because in all honesty, the likelihood of your being seen in the right role in the right show on the right night by the right person is pretty slim. It IS a great reason to get in touch with your contacts and targets to let them know you're working. But that's also not why to do it.

The reason to do theater is that it feeds your artistic soul in ways you can't get from classes or auditions. To work in an ensemble toward a common goal, to rehearse and develop and dig into a role over a series of weeks or months, to experience the ritual of performance, to get up in front of an audience and feel that exchange of energy... Those are all things you really can't get anywhere else. 

It always blows my mind when I meet actors who want to work in television and film but have never done theater. First and foremost, because I fell in love with acting through theater, I have a hard time imagining what else could attract someone to this crazy profession. But it also feels like such a missed opportunity! Most Working Actor Wisdom readers are based in Los Angeles, which while best known for film and television, is BURSTING with "99 seat theaters" filled with people who are in it just for the love of the craft. 

If you're not familiar with these companies and would like to learn more about participating as an actor or audience member, the LA Stage Alliance (or LAStageTix) is a good place to start. They're the Ovation Awards people and a hub of small local companies. If nothing else, make a commitment to start seeing more local theater wherever you are. It will get your creative juices flowing and rekindle your desire to get up and act from a place of love.

I'd say more, but... I gotta go to rehearsal!